Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Petrol Prices

Tonights web site review is a great cost cutting site, especially for all you disgruntled motorists who begrudge paying extortionate prices for your fuel.

To make the site in any way useful, you will have to fill out the free registration form, which gives you the option of weekly email alerts of the cheapest fuel. But of course you can do this directly from the site. Simply plug in your postcode and voila, within seconds a guide appears to the cheapest petrol in your area.

You will be amazed at the differences in price even within a 10-mile radius of home, and over a year the savings can seriously add up.

There is a lot of useful motoring info too, and the site is keen to big up its environmentally-friendly credentials, with some useful green tips on everything from car shares to emerging petrol-replacing technologies. www.petrolprices.com is the address you need

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