Monday, 7 July 2008

Planet SciCast

If you had told me that science can be fun when I was in school I would not have believed you, but when I was in school there were not websites like this to enjoy.

Take a look at as here you will find films and experiments on all things scientific.

The interesting thing about the content here is it has been submitted by users of the site, so it is really varied and often very entertaining, such as the young lad making a turboturd out of sulphuric acid and sugar.

To navigate, use the panel on the left. If you think you have the talent to contribute to the site take a look at About SciCast. There is even a competition running at the moment which you can find more about on Submit Film.

As well as the videos, there are some great experiments you can try yourself. All experiments come with an illustrated step-by-step guide, so give in to your curiosity and expand your mind. And obviously make sure youngsters are properly supervised.

1 comment:

Jonathan Sanderson said...

Thanks for the link, Bill, and I'm glad you enjoyed the site. We had a smashing awards ceremony earlier in the year to celebrate the best films so far, and now we're gearing up to do the whole thing again. Lots of films coming in from schools, families, and university students - and of course everything is archived as a huge (and fun!) resource.

Thanks again,
