Monday, 18 May 2009

Now, we usually think of e-mail as a way to instantly communicate, but what happens if you want to freeze e-mail to send at some point way down the line? is a website which stores your mail for - wait for it - up to a century - and then finally pings it into cyberspace. All you do is fill out a few details on a basic form and voila, a missive ready to send in the future, so you never have to miss that cousin's anniversary ever again.

MailFreezr's creator says messages are secure and confidential and will be sent on time, though filling in e-mail addresses on the web does make you prey to spam harvesters.
Aside from the obvious problem that e-mail may well not be around in 50 or 100 years, the biggest drawback of Mailfreezr is that you can only freeze an e-mail in yearly increments.

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