Wednesday 8 October 2008

Hangover Cure

It’s not a myth that your hangovers get worse as you get older, and if you want some relief from the pounding headache and nausea, check out for a few tips from fellow post-session sufferers. There you’ll find a number of cures, like pouring a glass of water with five Berrocas dissolved through a hole into a small watermelon.


Dave N said...

Best hangover cure ever is as follows:

Take 3 Snickers bars and crumble them up into a microwavable bowl.

Pour a liberal amount of hot fudge onto the bars

Microwave until melted. Remove and stir

Eat up. The sugar rush will cure almost anything.

Bill said...

Dave N: certainly worth a try. thanks for the tip.

Hangover Cure said...

Hello admin, nice site ! Good content, beautiful design, thanks !